Labarum Project

Монеты Византии,Трапезунда и Христианского Востока

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ТрапезундМонеты Трапезундской империи
Алексей I Великий Комнин / Alexius I (1204—1222) [Нет известных монет/No coinage]Алексей I Великий Комнин — первый император Трапезундской империи в 1204—1222 годах, основатель династии Великих Комнинов.
Андроник I Гидон / Andronicus I Gidon (1222—1235)Андроник I Гидон — второй император Трапезундской империи в 1222—1235 годах, зять первого императора Алексея I
4 16
Sear 2148 AR Trachy


AR Aspron Trachy
MHP-QV to left and right of full-length figure of Mary standing facing, both hands raised
IC-XC OXAQ-KHTHC across fields, full-length figure of Christ Chalcites, bearded and nimbate, standing facing, holding book of Gospels
DOC IV Pl. XXXVII El.1 (Anonimous)

Sear 2597 AE trachy


AE Trachy
MP-QV The Virgin seated open throne without back
ANΔ XC TWK Andronicus standing on left, crowned by Christ
Retowski -

Sear 2598 AE trachy


AE Trachy
The Virgin seated open throne with back
ANΔ XC TWK Andronicus standing on left, crowned by Christ
Retowski -

Sear 2599 AE trachy


AE Trachy
MP – QV and KO/M\H/NC-OΓ/ΔO/N, The Virgin, nimbate, standing facing on dais, holding the bust of beardless Christ to her breast.
A/N/ΔP/O-NI/KO/C, St. Andronicus, nimbate, standing on the obverse holding a spear and shield with the legend.
Retowski -

4 albums on 1 page(s)

Иоанн I Аксух / John I Axouchos (1235—1238)Иоанн I Аксух Великий Комнин — третий император Трапезундской империи в 1235—1238 годах.
1 1


AE Trachy


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Мануил I / Manuel I (1238—1263)Мануил I Великий Комнин — четвертый император Трапезундской империи в 1238—1263 годах.
4 14
Sear 2600 AR trachy


AR Trachy
M-QV The Virgin enthroned.
MNHA OKN Manuel standing holding labarum and akakia, Manus Dei in upper right field.
Retowski: 1-10

Sear 2601 AR Asper


AR Asper
OAΓI-EVΓENI, St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross, "B" or other symbol to left
MNΛ-OKH, Manuel standing facing, holding labarum and akakia, Manus Dei in upper right field
Retowski: 11-...

Sear 2602 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A) EVGENIOC O TPAПC (or variety), St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross, B or other symbol to left
MNΛ-OKH, Manuel standing facing, holding labarum and akakia, Manus Dei in upper right field
Retowski: 214-220

Sear 2604 AE 27


AE trachy
27 mm
OAΓIO-EV Bust of St. Eugenius holding cross.
MNΛ-OKH, Manuel standing, holding labarum and globus, Manus Dei in upper right field.
Retowski: 221

4 albums on 1 page(s)

Андроник II / Andronicus II (1263—1267) [Нет известных монет/No coinage]Андроник II Великий Комнин — пятый трапезундский император в 1263—1266 годах.
Георгий I / George I (1267—1280)Георгий Великий Комнин — шестой трапезундский император в 1266—1280 годах.
4 16
Sear 2605 AE 27 Type I


AE 27
St. Eugenius standing holding long cross.
Γ P over-crescent ΓΔПT George standing, holding sceptre cruciger and globus.
Retowski: 2
Sokolova Type I

Sear 2606 AE 27 Type II


AE 27
OAΓIOC-ΓΕ P-over-crescent ГIOC Armed bust of St.George.
ΓΕOPГIOC KHN George standing left, crowned and holding scepter and akakia, and St. Eugenius, standing right, nimbate and holding long cross between them.
Retowski: 1
Sokolova Type II

AE "St.George" Type III


AE 27
OAΓI-ΓΕOPГIO Armed bust of St.George.
ГГP-ΔПT George standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: p.187 #2 "undefined"
Sokolova: 7038-7040
Sokolova Type III

Sear 2607 AE 21 "Cross" Type IV


AE 21
IX XC NI KA in angles in cross crosslet on base.
ГpГ ΔПT KHN George standing holding labarum headed sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 3
Sokolova Type IV

4 albums on 1 page(s)

Иоанн II / John II (1280—1297)Иоанн II Великий Комнин — седьмой трапезундский император в 1280—1297 годах.
15 50
Sear 2608 AR Asper


AR Asper
OAΓI-EVΓEN, St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
IWANIC OK H, John standing, facing, holding labarum and akakia, Manus Dei in upper right field.
Retowski: 1-19 (John I)

Sear 2608var AR asper


AR Asper
(A) EVΓENIOC, St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
IW O KOMN NOC, John standing, facing, holding labarum-headed staff and globe, Manus Dei in upper right field.
Retowski: 1-10 (John II)

Sear 2609 AR Asper


AR Asper
OAΓI-EVΓEN, St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
IW O KOMN NOC, John standing facing, holding labarum-headed sceptre and globe; Manus Dei to upper right.
Retowski: 13-66; 69-147

Sear 2610 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A) EVΓENO TRAПEZT or (A) EVΓENOTПZ St. Eugenius, bearded and nimbate, stands facing, holding long cross.
IW O KOMN NOC; John II standing facing, wearing chlamys and holding labarum and globus, Manus Dei above right, triangular symbol at lower right.
Retowski: 11-12

Sear 2611 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A) EVΓENIOC St. Eugenius standing right, holding long cross; cross below LEFT arm.
IW O KOMN NOC, John standing facing, holding labarum-headed sceptre and globe; Manus Dei to upper right.
Retowski: 67-68

Sear 2612 AE 21


AE 21
IWO and ПPOΔPOMO in monogram. Bust of Jonh the Baptist holding long cross.
IWOKN-NOC John standing facing, holding labarum-headed sceptre and globe.
Retowski: 149

Sear 2613 AE 20


AE 20
Eagle, wings spread, head to right.
IW EVГЕ-КOM St. Eugenius standing left, holding long cross; John II standing right holding sceptre
Retowski: -

Sear 2614 AE 20/22


AE 20-22
St. Eugenius standing holding long cross.
John II standing holding labarum-headed sceptre or trilobate sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 150-153, 155

Sear 2615 AE 23


AE 23
Half length figure of St. Eugenius.
Half length figure of John holding trilobate sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 154

Sear 2617A AE 23


AE 23
Half length figure of military saint.
Full length figure of John holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: - ; SEAR 2617A (John I & Alexius II)

Flat AE


AE "BB+BB" unpublished


А. А. МОЛЧАНОВ (Москва).
Медные монеты Трапезундской империи с Херсонесского городища.
"....Вогнутая монета, пробитая у края.
Л. с: равноконечный крест с бетой в каждом из углов;
о. с: император в рост со скипетром, увенчанным лилией. Д. 22,5—23,5 мм...."

AE "cross" type


AE "Doublehead eagle" type


AE 20-25
Double-head eagle.
IW-OKOM-NOC John standing facing, holding sceptre.
Retowski: -

AE "crescent" unpublished



15 albums on 1 page(s)

Иоанн II и Алексей / John II and Alexius (1297)Иоанн II и Алексей - соправители.
2 4
Sear 2616 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A) EV-ГENI St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross
IWO K ALEZIOVK John and Alexius standing each holding a labarum - headed sceptre and holding a globus between them.
Retowski: 1-2

Sear 2617 AE 19


AE 19
IW O MEГAC-KO MNHNOC John standing holding labarum and globus.
AЛEZIO O MEГAC-TO KOMNHNOC Alexius standing holding labarum-headed sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 4

2 albums on 1 page(s)

Феодора / Theodora (1285)Феодора Великая Комнина — трапезундская императрица в 1284—1285 годах. Дочь императора Трапезунда Мануила I.
2 4
Sear 2618 AR Asper


AR Asper
OAГIOC EVГENIO St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
QEOДW PA-HKOMNHN Theodora standing facing, holding globus in right hand, left hand placed on breast. Manus Dei is upper left.
Retowski: 1-2

AE Theodora


AE 22
(A) EVГENIO St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
QEOДWPA-HKOMNHN Theodora standing facing, holding globus in right hand.
Retowski: 3

2 albums on 1 page(s)

* Анонимные выпуски XIII-XIV веков / Anonymous issue XIII-XIV centuriesАнонимные выпуски раннего Трапезунда XIII-XIV веков
3 5
Unpublished early issue "Beta" type 1


Unpublished early issue "Beta" type 2


Unpublished early issue "Eaglehead"



3 albums on 1 page(s)

Алексей II / Alexius II (1297—1330)Алексей II Великий Комнин — император Трапезундской империи в 1297—1330 годах.
1 17
Sear 2619 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A)EVГ-N St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
AEЛO-MN Alexius seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-...


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Андроник III / Andronicus III (1330—1332)Андроник III Великий Комнин — трапезундский император в 1330—1332 годах.
3 10
Sear 2620 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A)EVГ-N St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
ANДP-M Andronicus seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-3

AE Andronicus III Sceptre type


AE 17
(A)ΓI-EVΓENI St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
Andronicus monogram. Andronicus standing facing, holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: -

AE Andronicus III Trilobate type


AE 17
(A)ΓI-EVΓENI St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
Andronicus monogram. Andronicus standing facing, holding trilobate and globus.
Retowski: -


3 albums on 1 page(s)

Мануил II / Manuel II (1332)Мануил II Великий Комнин — император Трапезундской империи в 1332 году.
1 2
Sear 2621 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A)EVГ-N St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
AMA Manuel II seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: -


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Василий I / Basil I (1332—1340)Василий Великий Комнин — император Трапезундской империи в 1332—1340 годах.
4 32
Sear 2622 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A)EVГ-N St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
BA-M Basil seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-11

Sear 2623 AE 17


AE 17
(A)ΓI-EVΓENI St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
BA Basil standing facing, holding trilobate sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 12-15

AE Type Eagle


AE 17
Head of Eagle to right.
BA Basil standing facing, holding trilobate sceptre and globus.
Retowski: -

AE Type 1 beardless


AE 17
(A)ΓI-EVΓENI St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
BA Basil beardless standing facing, holding trilobate sceptre and globus.
Retowski: -

4 albums on 1 page(s)

Ирина Палеолог / Irene Palaiologina (1340—1341) [Нет известных монет/No coinage]Ирина Палеолог — императрица Трапезунда. Жена Василия I.
Анна Великая Комнина / Anna Megale Komnene (1341—1342) [Нет известных монет/No coinage]Анна Анахутлу Великая Комнина — императрица Трапезунда. Cтаршая дочь трапезундского императора Алексея II.
Иоанн III / John III (1342—1344)Иоанн III Великий Комнин — император Трапезунда.
3 23
AR Asper unpublished


AR Asper
(A)EVГ-N St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
IW-O John seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: -

AE SB 2624


AE 16
EV-(A)Γ St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
IW-KOM John standing facing, holding trilobate sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 1-2

AE SB 2624var "B"type


EV-(A)Γ St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross. B to left.
IW-KOM John standing facing, holding trilobate sceptre and globus. B to left.
Ret. 6


3 albums on 1 page(s)

Михаил / Michael (1344—1349)Михаил Великий Комнин — император Трапезунда. (соправитель в 1341—1342 годах)
4 15
Sear 2625 AR Asper


AR Asper
(A)EVГ-N St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
XMI-M Michael seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-5

Sear 2626 AE 18


AE 18
EVГEN St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross.
XMI-M Michael standing holding trilobate sceptre and shield.
Retowski: 6

Sear 2627 AE 18


AE 18
EVГEN Half-length figure of St. Eugenius, holding long cross.
XMI-M Draped facing bust of Michael, holding trilobate sceptre and shield.
Retowski: 7-9

Sear 2627 AE 18 Ret.10


AE 18
EVГEN Half-length figure of St. Eugenius, holding long cross.
XMI-M Draped facing bust of Michael, holding trilobate sceptre and shield.
Retowski: 10

4 albums on 1 page(s)

Алексей III / Alexius III (1349—1390)Алексей III Великий Комнин — император Трапезунда.
9 48
Sear 2628 AR Asper


AR Asper
EVГ-NIO St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
AEЛ-M Alexius seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-...

Sear 2629 AE 14


AE 14
St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross, all within six-foil enclosure.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus, all within six-foil enclosure.
Retowski: -

Sear 2630 AE 15


AE 15
AO/EV/ГE/NI in angles of cross-fourchece.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 46

Sear 2631 AE 15


AE 15
Г(A)/N/ГEV/S in angles of cross with wreath attaced to horozontal limbs.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 41-42

Sear 2632 AE 14


AE 14
OA-EV Cross on city wall.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 47

Sear 2633 AE 14


AE 14
AO/EV/ГE/NI in angles of a dotted cross within a voided cross.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: -

Sear 2634 AE 13


AE 13
Є/</A/Ο within angles of a cross potent within wreath.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 52

Sear 2635 AE 16


AE 16
О/Є/Г/N in angles of cross within star.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 49-50

Sear 2636 AE 15


AE 15
Double-headed eagle.
Alexius standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 48


9 albums on 1 page(s)

Мануил III / Manuel III (1390—1417)Мануил III Великий Комнин — император Трапезунда.
4 16
Sear 2637 AR Asper


AR Asper
OEГ-N St. Eugenius, seated on horse walking right.
MAO-MK Manuel on horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-22

Sear 2638 AE 14


AE 14
OA-EV Cross on city wall.
Manuel standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 27

Sear 2639 AE 15


AE 15
О/Є/Г/N in angles of cross patee ornamented with pellets.
Manuel standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 23-24

Sear 2640 AE 14


AE 14
Double-headed eagle.
Manuel standing holding sceptre and globus.
Retowski: 28

4 albums on 1 page(s)

Алексей IV / Alexius IV (1417—1447)Алексей IV Великий Комнин — император Трапезунда.
1 5
Sear 2641 AR Asper


AR Asper
A(A)EГ/N St. Eugenius seated on horse walking right.
AЛE-M Alexius seated on horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-...


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Иоанн IV / John IV (1447—1458)Иоанн IV (Калоиоанн) Великий Комнин — император Трапезунда.
1 6
Sear 2642 AR Asper


AR Asper
A(A)EГ/N St. Eugenius seated on horse walking right.
IWO-M John seated upon horse walking right.
Retowski: 1-7


1 albums on 1 page(s)

Давид / David (1458—1461)Давид Великий Комнин — последний император Трапезундской империи в 1459—1461 годах.
* Анонимные выпуски XV века / Anonymous issue XV centuryАнонимные выпуски Трапезунда XV века
3 12
Sear 2643 AE 14


AE 14
Cross on city wall.
Eagle with wings spread.
Retowski: 30 (Manuel III)

Sear 2644 AE 14


AE 14
B * B
Eagle with wings spread.
Retowski: 20 (Basile)

Sear 2645 AE 14


AE 14
A-E/Г/N in angles with cross.
B flanked by two stars.
Retowski: 16 (Basile)


3 albums on 1 page(s)

* Неопознанные монеты / Unidentified coinsНеопознанные монеты Трапезунда
2 0


2 albums on 1 page(s)

* Грузинские подражания (Кирманеули) / Georgian imitationГрузинские подражания (Кирманеули)
2 7
Manuel I imitation


John II imitation


2 albums on 1 page(s)

* Галереи пользователей *This category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users.
1 2
305 files in 80 albums and 28 categories with 12 comments viewed 19,226 times

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